1. 登录阿里云官网,进入阿里云认证中心。
2. 在认证中心页面,找到已过期的ACP认证,点击“重新认证”或类似的按钮。
3. 根据页面提示,完成相关的认证流程,包括填写个人信息、上传相关证明材料等。
4. 提交认证申请后,等待阿里云的审核,通常会在一定时间内给出审核结果。
5. 如果审核通过,您的ACP认证将会重新激活,您可以继续享受相关的权益和服务。
If your Alibaba Cloud ACP certification has expired, you can follow these steps to renew it:
1. Log in to the Alibaba Cloud official website and go to the Alibaba Cloud Certification Center.
2. In the Certification Center, find the expired ACP certification and click on \
If your Alibaba Cloud ACP certification has expired, you can follow these steps to renew it:
1. Log in to the Alibaba Cloud official website and go to the Alibaba Cloud Certification Center.
2. In the Certification Center, find the expired ACP certification and click on \